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Seventh Thirumurai
100 Stanzas, 1026 Songs, 84 Temples
046 thiru:naakaikkaaroa'nam
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kaa'nolith thokuppai anpa'lippaakath tha:nthavarka'l
iraamsi :naaddupu'rap paadal aayvu maiyam,
51/23, paa'ndiya vae'laa'lar theru, mathurai 625 001.
0425 2333535, 5370535.
thaevaarath thalangka'lukku ik kaa'nolik kaadsika'l ku'ru:nthaddaaka vi'rpanaikku u'ndu.

songs : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
S. No. of the song : 3 song : kollik kauvaa'nam

பூண்பதோர் இளவாமை பொருவிடைஒன் றேறிப்
    பொல்லாத வேடங்கொண் டெல்லாருங் காணப்
பாண்பேசிப் படுதலையிற் பலிகொள்கை தவிரீர்
    பாம்பினொடு படர்சடைமேல் மதிவைத்த பண்பீர்
வீண்பேசி மடவார்கை வெள்வளைகள் கொண்டால்
    வெற்பரையன் மடப்பாவை பொறுக்குமோ சொல்லீர்
காண்பினிய மணிமாட நிறைந்தநெடு வீதிக்
    கடல்நாகைக் காரோண மேவியிருந் தீரே.

poo'npathoar i'lavaamai poruvidaion 'rae'rip
pollaatha vaedangko'n dellaarung kaa'nap
paa'npaesip paduthalaiyi'r paliko'lkai thavireer
paampinodu padarsadaimael mathivaiththa pa'npeer
vee'npaesi madavaarkai ve'lva'laika'l ko'ndaal
ve'rparaiyan madappaavai po'rukkumoa solleer
kaa'npiniya ma'nimaada :ni'rai:ntha:nedu veethik
kadal:naakaik kaaroa'na maeviyiru:n theerae.
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you were dwelling with desire in nākaikkārōṇam on the sheashore, which has long streets full of beautiful storeys which are pleasing to look at.
you have adorned yourself with the shell of a young tortoise.
mounting on a fighting bull assuming an ugly form.
to be seen by all.
speaking flattering words;
you do not give up receiving alms in a lifeless skull.
you have the nature of placing on the spreading caṭai a crescent along with a cobra.
if you snatch the white bangles from the hands of ladies by speaking unnecessary words.
will the beautiful daughter of the king of mountains brook it?
please tell me.
Translation: V.M.Subramanya Aiyar–Courtesy: French Institute of Pondichery / EFEO (2006)

O, gloried ONE with serpent and crescent in amity on flowing locks! Fine to find are niches fair in mansions rare along roads endless in Naagaikkaaronam on Sea you dwell in doting on ; with tiny turtle\\\'s shell, on a war bull, you con a form uncomely, for to see; sing and seek alms in dead crania-bowl ceaselessly you do; while taking alms, why speak vain, why snitch or snaffle silver bangles of maidens mad to offer alms? How may She, mountain daughter, brook your stealthy affairs? Tell.

Translation: S. A. Sankaranarayanan, Kumbakonam, 2020