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First Thirumurai
136 Stanzas, 1469 Songs, 88 Temples
010 thiruva'n'naamalai
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kaa'nolith thokuppai anpa'lippaakath tha:nthavarka'l
iraamsi :naaddupu'rap paadal aayvu maiyam,
51/23, paa'ndiya vae'laa'lar theru, mathurai 625 001.
0425 2333535, 5370535.
thaevaarath thalangka'lukku ik kaa'nolik kaadsika'l ku'ru:nthaddaaka vi'rpanaikku u'ndu.

songs : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
S. No. of the song : 5 song : :naddapaadai

மரவஞ்சிலை தரளம்மிகு மணியுந்துவெள் ளருவி
அரவஞ்செய முரவம்படும் அண்ணாமலை யண்ணல்
உரவஞ்சடை யுலவும்புன லுடனாவது மோரார்
குரவங்கமழ் நறுமென்குழல் உமைபுல்குதல் குணமே.

maravagnsilai thara'lammiku ma'niyu:nthuve'l 'laruvi
aravagnseya muravampadum a'n'naamalai ya'n'nal
uravagnsadai yulavumpuna ludanaavathu moaraar
kuravangkamazh :na'rumenkuzhal umaipulkuthal ku'namae.
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kuralisai: tharumapuram pa. suvaami:naathan,
urimai: vaa'ni pathivakam, kaalvaay saalai, thiruvaanmiyoor, sennai 600041
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the streams which push in a large measure pearls, cilai (a kind of tree) and common cadampa make a loud sound; the chief in Aṇṇāmalai where the drum, muravam, is played without considering that there is water (Kankai) united with him which moves in the strong caṭai.
is it proper for him to embrace Umai who has naturally fragrant tresses of hair in which the bottle flowers spread fragrance?
Translation: V.M.Subramanya Aiyar–Courtesy: French Institute of Pondichery / EFEO (2006)